Viona Retkowska



Head of Legal Accounting

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About Viona


Viona joined Jayva in 2016, and her bright and positive personality has brought a smile to the team every single day. Viona has been a legal cashier since she left school, is ILFM qualified and has nearly two decades of hands-on experience working as a cashier.

During that time, Viona was critical to the implementation of many different systems and software packages, and this personal experience makes her able to relate to the change which our clients face when implementing new systems.

Viona has a real attention to detail. Her knowledge of the SRA Accounts Rules is exceptional, and in her training she always ensures she promotes best practice as well as compliance with the various industry regulators.

Sitting in our accounting and data quality department, Viona draws upon her vast cashiering knowledge to ensure Jayva’s clients operate their legal accounts software fully, efficiently and compliantly.

In addition to her training and implementation consultancy responsibilities, Viona plays an important role in testing and documenting new features as well as supporting clients with their legal cashiering duties and month end reporting.


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